
Saturday, December 8, 2007

Human can fly

Good question. Us humans always wonder why can't I do this why can't I do that. But from the very being God made us humans able to do some things and not able to do others. Like flying for example. You can ask anyone and you'll get the same simple answer every time. "Humans just simply can't fly because of the gravity" and we still wonder why can't we fly? We even try to fly, we make wings and we jump off of trees etc.. We might fail to fly the first time we still keep on trying. When you look up at a bird they make flying look simple that all you have to do is flap your arms and you can fly but it's not that easy. Trust me I've tried.

Why is it that, when ever you ask, "why can't humans fly", Adults say because of the gravity. Well when they say that you probably think to your self yes I can fly but why do they say I can't? Well maybe Adults are wrong about we can't fly because of the gravity. If you go onto the Internet and look up why can't humans fly you well probably find that most of the sites say because we are to heavy and to lazy.

Have you ever look at the difference sizes of the bird's bones and human's bones? Well human's bones are about twice the size of a bird's bone. If you've ever seen the difference in a birds face and body and a humans face and body there's about a world of difference. A bird haves a pointed nose and curved wings, small body and small bones. A human has an almost flat face, we don't have curved wing we have arms. We have a big body and big bones to mach. So as you can see we are way different then birds

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